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What does it take to get Stallman for a speech?

What does it take to have open-source Richard Stallman for a speech? Here's a listing of requirements.

In a way, his requirements are anti-open source, because his requirements make his speech events seem closed source. If I were to organize a speech for him, I'd perhaps violate half of the rules he sets.

So read on, the requirements more interesting as you read on. As eccentric as we would expect Stallman to be. Well, that's what makes Stallman, Stallman.

Steve Jobs' death tickles Stallman

Steve Jobs' passing away at 56 was mourned universally, but Linux's own Richard Stallman

In his feed, he said:

OPEN QUOTE "Steve Jobs, the pioneer of the computer as a jail made cool, designed to sever fools from their freedom, has died.

Tablets with Android 4.0 or Windows 8?

From what we're hearing, tablets with Android 4.0, aka Ice Cream Sandwich (internally called ICS in Google), should come early next year. Some chatty executives have said in the past late 2011, but that won't happen.

Tablet makers may opt to sell their Android 3.x devices over November and December, and we'll see Ice Cream Sandwich rule at CES in early January. Devices will come out shortly after.

Linux 3.0, moving on without much change

We're getting Linux 3.0. The kernel is not a revolutionary change, but we welcome the moniker change. It's apt for Linux's 20th birthday, and the older 2.6 naming scheme became complicated. It became like my second phone number.

It's hard to make revolutionary changes, especially when you have the open-source community making so many contributions. Just like a democratic political process, the changes are going to be incremental, but user driven. That's why free software is so good.

So what are the big changes?

Red Hat releases RHEL 6.1

So Red Hat has taken one small step ahead to make its billions. The company released Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 to select partners.

RHEL 6.1 is a step toward to general availability, which could be in the coming weeks, according to Red Hat on a blog entry.

Here are list of features from Here are excerpts from the blog entry:

Red Hat will be a $1 billion Linux company. How about Canonical?

Red Hat's growing to be a $1 billion Linux company, according to an article on the Register. How does it plan to achieve that level of revenue?

Some techniques include a strong developer base working on the Red Hat Linux stack and a strong distribution channel (more than 6,000 resellers). Strong Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4,5,6 distros help. THe company is also making its way into virtualization and middleware to fill up the software stack from top to bottom.

Commodore 64 is back, and goes open source with Ubuntu Linux

After close to 30 years in hibernation, the Commodore 64 was relaunched with its retro design, this time with an Intel processor and the open source Ubuntu Linux.

The prices vary -- a barebones box is $295, minus the processor. A $895 version includes the works -- a 1TB hard drive, an Atom processor, Ubuntu Linux, an Nvidia graphics processor, 4GB of memory, a Blu-ray drive.

Reviews for Ubuntu 11.04, Natty Narwhal, not positive

The reviews are in for the beta of Ubuntu 11.04, also called Natty Narwhal and the reactions are mixed.

Reviewers mainly had qualms with the brand new Unity interface, which Mark Shuttleworth earlier said would bring the OS a superlative, more interactive look. But reviewers miss the GNOME interface, saying Unity is not ready for prime time.

Say goodbye to the free Ubuntu CDs

Canonical has ended a program in which it sent out delivered free Ubuntu CDs worldwide via a distributor.

"For Ubuntu 11.04 you will no longer be able to go to our website and apply for a free CD," said Gerry Carr, a Canonical blogger.

This is something they should've done a while ago. The intent was clean -- to push Ubuntu into the lives of millions of people, as Carr romanticizes. But the administrative cost was high, shipped CDs were few, and downloads topped CD shipments.

Lightning fast Puppy Linux gets updated to 5.25

The lightning fast Lucid Puppy, popularly known as Puppy Linx, got updated to version  5.25. The new distro is based on the latest Linux kernel, and offers a chock full of new features and software updates.

The installation file is just 127MB, and it is based on Ubuntu 11.04, also known as Natty Narwhal. The software is a major update, as it reworks some core Linux ingredients.

"All this and the low overhead that makes Puppy fast, friendly and fun," said Barry Kauler of Puppy Linux on his blog.