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Remote Control 5.4 Distribution Update

Post image for Remote Control 5.4 Distribution Update

by Steve Wiseman on July 2, 2014 · 0 comments

in Remote Control


A few weeks back we released the new version of Remote Control.

What is it?

It is a remote administration program that allows you to control computers remotely, as if you were in front of them.

Really it does more than that…here are just some of the major features:

You can set a policy to make administrators ask permission before they connect to a remote machine:

Request Permission

When users have multiple monitors, you can use the mouse wheel to zoom in and zoom out (Just hold down ctrl). Makes it much easier to navigate when there is a large amount of screen real estate:

Multi Monitor Help

You can ‘jump’ into remote desktop / terminal sessions. This allows you to not only take control of what is going on at the console, but also any terminal server user can be helped:

Remote Desktop Jump

And for those times when the boss tells you to keep an eye on someone, it has the ability to be as covert as possible and not let the user you know are connected. It is called ‘watch mode’:

Watch mode

Get a copy of the 30 day trial from here:


And to see how to use these features, take a look at the manual:


So what is the update we have today?

There are two parts of Remote Control. You have the viewer software, it lets you view and control the remote system. And then you have the agent software. It sits on the remote computer and waits for connections – and ultimately allows you to remotely control the machine.

That is what we are releasing today – a few ways to distribute the agent easily.

If you already have been using remote control, you will want to use this to update your agent – that way you will have access to the latest features.

The first is an agent installer that has a few options – including a silent install. Here is the download link:


You can run it normally, and a setup wizard will prompt you:

Agent Setup Wizard

This allows you to create a stand alone account (A username and password you pick), or a Windows username or group.

Here are additional command line options you can call it with:

/silent – runs the installer silent. Defaults to setting up the local administrator account with full access

/username: {username} – Set the username

/password: {password} – Set the password for the account (Only valid for non windows accounts)

/usertype: windows/standalone – Set the account type

/uninstall – Removes all traces of the remote control agent. Will also look for older installs and clear those out too.

Keep in mind that the installer must be run as administrator, and in an elevated command prompt.

A second method of distribution is using our Network Administrator program. It will push the agent, and set the local administrator with full access:

Network Administrator Agent Push

You can use the free edition to do this, since it will not impose any computer limits for this specific plugin.

You can get a copy of network administrator here:


With network administrator, you need to make sure that file and printer sharing is enabled in the firewall. These articles can help you with that:

Windows XP:


Windows Vista, 2008:


Windows 7, 2008 R2:


Windows 8, 2012:


From a script on any version of windows (Must run as administrator):

Enable the admin share from a script

With Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 – Make sure you make the registry change noted in those articles, or you will get an access denied

Next week we will have the MSI installer ready for group policy deployments. It has taken us a while, but MSI setup packages can be tricky and we want to get it right.

Finally, if you have the enterprise edition – you can ignore all of this. It has a built in system that generates your agent setup.

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