Q-Link Reloaded

Quantum Link (Q-Link for short) was an online service for Commodore 64 users that started in the mid-80s and ran until Hallowe’en 1994. It later went on to become America Online (AOL). In 2005, the original server (which was accessed via modem over a phone line) was reverse-engineered in Java as a TCP/IP service and released at the SWRAP 2005 expo, where it generated tremendous excitement. Q-Link is again alive and well.

Currently Jasmaz is running the only known Q-Link Reloaded server. Instructions on connecting to his server are listed below. His website is here which has more information on the project.

Connecting is EASY. There are several methods. For those wanting to delve right in with an emulator, the easiest way to do this is to use the latest WinVICE. Download Winvice Here!

Software required:WinVICE 2.2  (or better)
Make the following configuration entries:
Settings –> RS232 Settings   Change RS232 Device 1 to:
Settings –> Cart I/O Settings –> RS232 Userport settings
Enable RS232 Userport,  Userport Device RS232 Device 1
Userport baud rate 1200

Software required:Quantumlink.d64
Load this disk into VICE, and use the following settings:
Modem:Other command driven modems
Speed:1200 Baud
Dial: Automatic
Phone: Tone
Number: +5551212  Note: – & + are switched in vice.
Qlink software will display:
Type commands to modem, then
press F1 when connection is made.
Press F1 and enjoy!

IRC ON Q-LINK Reloaded:
Quantum Link reloaded has integration with irc.newnet.net, which means you can chat with the #c64friends group through the people connection on Q-Link. When in people connection, hit F7 for the menu. Scroll down to Change room, then F1 to select. Go to public room, then F1 to select. Type in the room name:
irc c64friends
And you will be connected with the C=64 community on irc!

Connecting with Q-Link using a REAL C64/128 is also very possible.:

http://orrtech.us/qlink/index.html is the official site for the Q-Link Reloaded project (note the server address here no longer works)

The official forum is here which has discussions on these various methods

Connecting with Q-Link using a REAL C64/128 with the Comet:

The easiest way to run qlink from the comet is to use the Wizconfig tool. Make sure the comet is set at 1200 baud. Uncheck “use DNS”, make sure mixed mode is selected, and fill in the IP and port with:



Load qlink as normal on your C64. When you get to the screen where you need to hit F1 to log in, you should see the red light on the comet light up when you press F1, and it should log you in shortly thereafter.

Known Bugs:

As this is reverse engineered code, there are several bugs. They are highlighted on ShadownM’s site here

19 thoughts on “Q-Link Reloaded

  1. Pingback: MMO para Commodore em campanha para voltar à vida. | Retrocomputaria

  2. The Wizconfig tool can just put in q-link.net:5190 it will only take a IP.

    “Server IP Port 5190” It has the spots to type that in for “Server IP: and Port”

    Works real good on a C=

    -Raymond Day

  3. Pingback: » A Net Before the Web, Part 5: The Pony The Digital Antiquarian

  4. Pingback: Videotex – NAPLPS Client for the Commodore 64 Archived | Jamming Signal

  5. Awesome, thanks the IP worked, but the url didn’t in vice. Now if I could only figure out how to connect my actual commodores to q-link. i have a 300baud modem but no phone outlets as everything is cellphones and wireless now a days.

    • well, you could always move up to a modern wifi modem. I have them for $20 on this site. fully tested and working with all terminal programs and q-link.

      • I’m not making them at this time but there are plenty of options, commodore4ever has a good one, for example, that he sells on ebay. Or if you’re handy with a soldering iron you can build your own. There’s instructions elsewhere on the blog.

  6. Is this server still working? Can’t get the IP or URL to work anymore. I get the message “Your telephone connection to Q-Link has been broken.”

      • Hi. I was able to get on QLINK Reloaded the other night. Glad it’s up and running. How is the Wednesday night meets going? I yet to call in but will this Wednesday September 6, 2023

  7. Hi, I’m BonnieB3 -the online manager of People Connection 1986 thru 1989. I created Bonnie’s Bar, home of the Q-tends early ’86. I left Q-Link (Quantum Computer who created rest of the networks started while I was there – PC Link (w/Tandy), Apple Link PE, Promenade & America Online and, of course, Habitat on Q-Link) to work for G.E.’s consumer information network “GEnie” Chatlines, bulletin boards and Imagine-Nation – a test based adventure chat using “Gemstone'” (David Whatley). I left GE in 1994. Any former Q-Linkers, please respond and I’ll send you my current email address. Old friends are friends with shared memories. —===cU

    • Hi, Bonnie! I was one of your room hosts— both at the bar, but also in my own rooms, first, as a volunteer, and then “on staff” with credited time— from 1986 until 1989 (my sophomore year at college, and the time crush just became too much). I used the nick “Napoleon.” So many flashbacks and memories, and I’m so happy to see you online somewhere!

  8. Hiyas Bonnie 🙂

    This is GuitarWiz. I used to host occasionally in Caro’s Morning Coffee room. Not sure I was ever a Q-tend, but of course spent hundreds of hours in BB 😉

    The last 2 years before sunset I was QPUZ Wiz hosting Puzzler for Q-Link.

    Today I exclusively use Discord, which is as modern a Q-Link as possible. I just installed the VICE C64 emulator and re-connected to Q-Link. Weird seeing all those menus again! LOL! Wish the casino was in it… that would have been a blast!

    If you, or any OG Q-peeps want to drop a line, you can reach me at m2s.virtual AT gmail dotcom

    Hope life is treating you well!

    — Ron

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