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Feature Archive

  1. Inside the Titan submersible disaster

    OceanGate CEO cut corners, ignored warnings, and flat-out lied, leaving five dead.

  2. Neutrinos: The inscrutable “ghost particles” driving scientists crazy

    They hold the keys to new physics. If only we could understand them.

  3. How the Webb and Gaia missions bring a new perspective on galaxy formation

    The Webb and Gaia telescopes have unearthed the early building blocks of the Milky Way.

  4. Brompton C Line Electric review: Fun and foldable, fits better than you’d think

    A motor evens out its natural disadvantages, but there's still a learning curve.

  5. Can a technology called RAG keep AI models from making stuff up?

    The framework pulls in external sources to enhance accuracy. Does it live up to the hype?

  6. Windows Recall demands an extraordinary level of trust that Microsoft hasn’t earned

    Op-ed: The risks to Recall are way too high for security to be secondary.

  7. No physics? No problem. AI weather forecasting is already making huge strides.

    New model that predicts global weather can run on a single desktop computer.

  8. Driverless racing is real, terrible, and strangely exciting

    The Abu Dhabi Autonomous Racing League proves it’s possible, just very hard.

  9. The Unistellar Odyssey smart telescope made me question what stargazing means

    The age-old pursuit of looking at the heavens is finally getting an upgrade.

  10. Small, cheap, and weird: A history of the microcar

    Tiny EVs come of age again in the third microcar renaissance.

  11. Google’s “AI Overview” can give false, misleading, and dangerous answers

    From glue-on-pizza recipes to recommending "blinker fluid," Google's AI sourcing needs work.

  12. On self-driving, Waymo is playing chess while Tesla plays checkers

    We'll know Tesla is serious about robotaxis when it starts hiring remote operators.

  13. Municipal broadband advocates fight off attacks from “dark money” groups

    "Social welfare" groups spread industry talking points against public broadband.

  14. We take a stab at decoding SpaceX’s ever-changing plans for Starship in Florida

    "On Artemis III, we anticipate using at least two of the launch sites: one at KSC and one at Starbase."

  15. How I upgraded my water heater and discovered how bad smart home security can be

    Could you really control someone's hot water with just an email address?

  16. Virtual Boy: The bizarre rise and quick fall of Nintendo’s enigmatic red console

    How Nintendo took a gamble on a new kind of gaming experience in the '90s.

  17. M4 iPad Pro review: Well, now you’re just showing off

    This tablet offers much more than you’ll actually need.

  18. M2 iPad Air review: The everything iPad

    M2 Air won't draw new buyers in, but if you like iPads, these do all you need.

  19. Forget aerobars: Ars tries out an entire aerobike

    Taking to the road in a modern, high-speed version of a 40-year-old dream.

  20. Outdoing the dinosaurs: What we can do if we spot a threatening asteroid

    Someday, an NEO will pose a threat to us. Thankfully, we have options.

  21. Professor sues Meta to allow release of feed-killing tool for Facebook

    Section 230 immunity isn’t just for Big Tech companies, lawsuit says.

  22. Hands-on with the new iPad Pros and Airs: A surprisingly refreshing refresh

    And the new Apple Pencil Pro does some cool things, too.

  23. The surprise is not that Boeing lost commercial crew but that it finished at all

    "The structural inefficiency was a huge deal."

  24. What’s happening at Tesla? Here’s what experts think.

    Can things be turned around at Tesla, or is this the beginning of the end?

  25. CenturyLink left users with no service for two months, then billed them $239

    Yet again, CenturyLink failed to fix a long outage until Ars emailed the company.

  26. First post: A history of online public messaging

    From BBS to Facebook, here's how messaging platforms have changed over the years.

  27. There’s never been a better time to get into Fallout 76

    Fallout 76 is good now. Actually, it’s always been good.

  28. Palm OS and the devices that ran it: An Ars retrospective

    Before smartphones, we had PDAs in our pockets. Palm did them best.

  29. Is the Arm version of Windows ready for its close-up?

    Checking back in with Windows 11 on Arm on the eve of the Snapdragon X Elite.

  30. Meet QDEL, the backlight-less display tech that could replace OLED in premium TVs

    Interested in gadgets with premium displays? QDEL should be on your radar.

  31. Why are groups of university students modifying Cadillac Lyriq EVs?

    The competition provides a steady stream of experienced graduates to the auto industry.

  32. OpenAI winds down AI image generator that blew minds and forged friendships in 2022

    How a group of friends found themselves at the center of a fierce debate about the future of art.

  33. How to keep Earth from being cooked by the ever-hotter Sun

    Here are two options for future humans to keep us in the habitable zone.

  34. Framework’s software and firmware have been a mess, but it’s working on them

    New features, security updates, and Linux support are all on a long to-do list.

  35. Why there are 861 roguelike deckbuilders on Steam all of a sudden

    9 answers from 8 devs about why combat card games on screens have blown up.

  36. How to cheat at Super Mario Maker and get away with it for years

    Creator says he "was just at the right place at the right time" to abuse TAS techniques.

Long-Form Stories

Getting deep into the details of an online crime, spending real time with a gadget, explaining the finer points of a chipset—our feature stories give us the space to hunker down and get our geek on.

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