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Enable AbuseFilter in Belarusian (Taraškievica) Wikipedia
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: p.selitskas


Please, enable AbuseFilter extension for Belarusian (Taraškievica) Wikipedia at be-x-old.wikipedia.org.

We had a detailed discussion on what we should have here: http://goo.gl/5immW

So, we want next features to be enabled:

  • abusefilter-log: autoconfirmed
  • abusefilter-log-detail: abusefilter
  • abusefilter-modify: abusefilter/sysop (is it possible?)
  • abusefilter-modify-restricted: abusefilter/sysop
  • abusefilter-view: autoconfirmed

So, you see, we want 'abusefilter' group to be created. We want sysops be able to grant users 'abusefilter' rights, if it's possible.

If I missed something or asked something inappropriate, please ask for clarification.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement


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Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 11:35 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz28461.

p.selitskas wrote:

Hello? Is it ignorance or what? Similar requests were satisfied in a one day term.