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The following script will send email notifications on Tickets that are over due.

Notes by Barton: I ran this page through a sed script that fixed the formatting of the nowiki formatted code blocks. You are encouraged to check the history of this page and make sure that I didn't mess anything up.

New version ( 3.1 )

New version ( 3.1 ) by Vaclav Vobornik added at 4.7.2008

i made a cleaned version be subsituting < and > to < and >. this apperently got lost while moving from wikia to here.

also the preformatted text block syntax nowiki used below does not work here yet :(

find it here: http://pastebin.com/gj5R7wm2

   ####################### RT Email Notification Script ####################
   #### Author: Daniely Yoav / Qball Technologies Ltd.
   #### Email: yoavd@qballtech.net
   #### Date: 05/06/05
   #### Modified by: Tomas Borland Valenta
   #### Email: tomas at trustica dot cz
   #### Date: 2007/03/12
   #### Modified by: Tim Schaller
   #### Email: tim-rt@torzo.com
   #### Date: 2008/06/17
   #### Modified by: Vaclav Vobornik
   #### Email: vaclav dot vobornik at commerzbank dot com
   #### Date: 2008/07/04
   #### Purpose: Send Email Notification on all open/new tickets in RT that have their due date expired
   #### Version: 3.1
   #### Changes from 3 ( Vaclav Vobornik )
   #### - Added Cc and Bcc possibilities.
   #### Changes from 2 ( Tim Schaller )
   #### - Added multiple command line options.
   #### - Adaptive subject line.
   #### - Sending Admin CC emails optional.
   #### Changes from 1.2 ( Tomas Borland Valenta )
   #### - rewriten mail subsystem
   #### - code cleanup
   #### - adopted for RT 3.6.x
   #### - used some global RT config variables
   #### ======================================================================
   #### Command line options
   ####          -d          : turns dubugging on
   ####          -A          : Send to AdminCC ( made default not to )
   ####          -a       : Send reminders to tickets due in  or less days.
   ####                      : Includes overdue tickets.
   ####          -q   : Only send reminder for tickets in 
   ####          -o   : Only send reminders for tickets owned by 
   ####          -c   : Email in Cc
   ####          -b   : Email in Bcc
   #### ======================================================================
   ####  Usage: Invoke via cron every working day at 8 morning
   ####  0 8 * * 1-5 /path/to/script/remind_email_due.pl -A
   ####  Usage: Invoke via cron every working day at 8 morning
   ####       : and send notices to everyone in the SysAdmin Queue
   ####  0 8 * * 1-5 /path/to/script/remind_email_due.pl -q SysAdmin
   ####  Usage: Invoke via cron every working day at 8 morning
   ####       : and send notices to everyone in the SysAdmin Queue
   ####       : Remind them about tickets due in less then 5 days.
   ####  0 8 * * 1-5 /path/to/script/remind_email_due.pl -a 5 -q SysAdmin
   ####  Usage: Invoke via cron every working day at 8 morning
   ####       : and send notices to everyone in the SysAdmin Queue.
   ####       : Send copies to all AdminCC on the tickest.
   ####  0 8 * * 1-5 /path/to/script/remind_email_due.pl -A -q SysAdmin
   ### External libraries ###
   use strict;
   use Getopt::Std;
   use lib ("/opt/rt3/lib");  # Change this to your RT lib path!
   package RT;
   use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent loc);
   use RT::Date;
   use RT::Queue;
   use RT::Queues;
   use RT::Tickets;
   ################## Init ##################
   # Clean our environment
   # Load the RT configuration
   # Set config variables
   my $debug=0;
   my $from_address = $RT::CorrespondAddress; #From: address used in reports
   my $rt_url = $RT::WebURL;
   my $sendmail = "$RT::SendmailPath $RT::SendmailArguments";
   ################## Args ##################
   my $queue         = ;
   my $owner         = ;
   my $advDate       = 0;
   my $secInDay      = 60*60*24;
   my $sendToAdminCC = 0;
   my $cc            = ;
   my $bcc           = ;
   my %options=();
   $queue         = $options{q} if defined $options{q};
   $owner         = $options{o} if defined $options{o};
   $advDate       = ( $options{a} * $secInDay ) if defined $options{a};
   $debug         = $options{d} if defined $options{d};
   $sendToAdminCC =  $options{A} if defined $options{A};
   $cc            = $options{c} if defined $options{c};
   $bcc           = $options{b} if defined $options{b};
   ################## Variables Init ##################
   my $User = new RT::User($RT::SystemUser); # Define an RT User variable
   my $date = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser); # Define a date variable (used for comparisions)
   my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($RT::SystemUser); # Used to store Ticket search results
   my $now = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser); # get current time
   my $report; # Used for output
   my $subject; # Used as subject line
   ################## Main Program ##################
   # Limit the ticket search to new and open only.
   $tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'new');
   $tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'open');
   # Loop through new/open tickets
   while (my $Ticket = $tickets->Next) {
       # Construct POP-Up Message
       # Compare Dates to check whether the ticket's due date is in the past + Due date exists
       $date->Set(Format => "ISO",Value => $Ticket->Due);
       if ($now->Unix - $date->Unix < (1 - $advDate ) or $date->Unix == -1 or $date->Unix == 0) { next; }
       # Compare owner and queue if given. Skip current ticket if invalid.
       if ($owner) { if ( lc($User->Name) ne lc($owner) ) { next; } }
       if ($queue) { if ( lc($Ticket->QueueObj->Name) ne lc($queue) ) { next; } }
       # Generate a report
       $report = "";
       $report .= "Ticket #: " . $Ticket->id . "\n";
       $report .= "Subject:  " . $Ticket->Subject . "\n";
       $report .= "Queue:    " . $Ticket->QueueObj->Name . " (". $Ticket->QueueObj->AdminCcAddresses .") \n";
       $report .= "Owner:    " . $User->Name ."\n";
       $report .= "Due date: " . $date->ISO . "\n";
       $report .= "URL:      " . $rt_url . "Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $Ticket->id . "\n";
       # Set the subject based on the due date.
       if( ($now->Unix - $date->Unix < 0  ) or $date->Unix == -1 ) {
           $subject =  "Ticket #". $Ticket->id . " with owner " . $User->Name ." is due on " . $date->ISO;
       } else {
           $subject =  "Ticket #". $Ticket->id . " with owner " . $User->Name ." is overdue";
       # Get Queue Admin CC
       # Do we send to Admin CC as well as to owner?
       my @emails = ();
       if ( $sendToAdminCC ) {
           @emails = ($User->EmailAddress, split(/,/, $Ticket->AdminCcAddresses), split(/,/ , $Ticket->QueueObj->AdminCcAddresses));
       } else {
           @emails = ($User->EmailAddress);
       # remove duplicates
       my %temp = (); @emails = grep ++$temp{$_} < 2, @emails;
   # Close RT Handle
   exit 0;
   # This procedure will send a report by mail to the owner
   #  parameter 1 - email addresses to send to
   # Global variables refered to:
   #  $subject - Subject line
   #  @report - Message content
   #  $from_address - address to send from
   #  $cc - CarbonCoby email address
   #  $bcc - BlindCarbonCopy email address
   sub send_report {
       my @tos = @_;
       my $addr;
       foreach $addr (@tos) {
           next if (length($addr) == 0);
           my $msg = "";
           $msg .= "From: $from_address\n";
           $msg .= "To: $addr\n";
           $msg .= "Cc: $cc\n" if $cc;
           $msg .= "Bcc: $bcc\n" if $bcc;
           $msg .= "Subject: $subject\n";
           $msg .= "\n";
           $msg .= $report;
           if ($debug) {
               print "====== Would call '$sendmail' with this input:\n";
               print "$msg\n\n";
           } else {
               open(SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail") || die "Error sending mail: $!";
               print SENDMAIL $msg;

Old version ( 3.0 )

Version ( 3.0 ) by Tim Schaller added at 17.6.2008
   ####################### RT Email Notification Script ####################
   #### Author: Daniely Yoav / Qball Technologies Ltd.
   #### Email: yoavd@qballtech.net
   #### Date: 05/06/05
   #### Modified by: Tomas Borland Valenta
   #### Email: tomas at trustica dot cz
   #### Date: 2007/03/12
   #### Modified by: Tim Schaller
   #### Email: tim-rt@torzo.com
   #### Date: 2008/06/17
   #### Purpose: Send Email Notification on all open/new tickets in RT that have their due date expired
   #### Version: 3
   #### Changes from 2 ( Tim Schaller )
   #### - Added multiple command line options.
   #### - Adaptive subject line.
   #### - Sending Admin CC emails optional.
   #### Changes from 1.2 ( Tomas Borland Valenta )
   #### - rewriten mail subsystem
   #### - code cleanup
   #### - adopted for RT 3.6.x
   #### - used some global RT config variables
   #### ======================================================================
   #### Command line options
   ####          -d          : turns dubugging on
   ####          -A          : Send to AdminCC ( made default not to )
   ####          -a       : Send reminders to tickets due in  or less days.
   ####                      : Includes overdue tickets.
   ####          -q   : Only send reminder for tickets in 
   ####          -o   : Only send reminders for tickets owned by 
   #### ======================================================================
   ####  Usage: Invoke via cron every working day at 8 morning
   ####  0 8 * * 1-5 /path/to/script/remind_email_due.pl -A
   ####  Usage: Invoke via cron every working day at 8 morning
   ####       : and send notices to everyone in the SysAdmin Queue
   ####  0 8 * * 1-5 /path/to/script/remind_email_due.pl -q SysAdmin
   ####  Usage: Invoke via cron every working day at 8 morning
   ####       : and send notices to everyone in the SysAdmin Queue
   ####       : Remind them about tickets due in less then 5 days.
   ####  0 8 * * 1-5 /path/to/script/remind_email_due.pl -a 5 -q SysAdmin
   ####  Usage: Invoke via cron every working day at 8 morning
   ####       : and send notices to everyone in the SysAdmin Queue.
   ####       : Send copies to all AdminCC on the tickest.
   ####  0 8 * * 1-5 /path/to/script/remind_email_due.pl -A -q SysAdmin
   ### External libraries ###
   use strict;
   use Getopt::Std;
   use lib ("/usr/local/rt/lib");  # Change this to your RT lib path!
   package RT;
   use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent loc);
   use RT::Date;
   use RT::Queue;
   use RT::Queues;
   use RT::Tickets;
   ################## Init ##################
   # Clean our environment
   # Load the RT configuration
   # Set config variables
   my $debug=0;
   my $from_address = $RT::CorrespondAddress; #From: address used in reports
   my $rt_url = $RT::WebURL;
   my $sendmail = "$RT::SendmailPath $RT::SendmailArguments";
   ################## Args ##################
   my $queue         = ;
   my $owner         = ;
   my $advDate       = 0;
   my $secInDay      = 60*60*24;
   my $sendToAdminCC = 0;
   my %options=();
   $queue         = $options{q} if defined $options{q};
   $owner         = $options{o} if defined $options{o};
   $advDate       = ( $options{a} * $secInDay ) if defined $options{a};
   $debug         = $options{d} if defined $options{d};
   $sendToAdminCC =  $options{A} if defined $options{A};
   ################## Variables Init ##################
   my $User = new RT::User($RT::SystemUser); # Define an RT User variable
   my $date = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser); # Define a date variable (used for comparisions)
   my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($RT::SystemUser); # Used to store Ticket search results
   my $now = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser); # get current time
   my $report; # Used for output
   my $subject; # Used as subject line
   ################## Main Program ##################
   # Limit the ticket search to new and open only.
   $tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'new');
   $tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'open');
   # Loop through new/open tickets
   while (my $Ticket = $tickets->Next) {
       # Construct POP-Up Message
       # Compare Dates to check whether the ticket's due date is in the past + Due date exists
       $date->Set(Format => "ISO",Value => $Ticket->Due);
       if ($now->Unix - $date->Unix < (1 - $advDate ) or $date->Unix == -1) { next; }
       # Compare owner and queue if given. Skip current ticket if invalid.
       if ($owner) { if ( lc($User->Name) ne lc($owner) ) { next; } }
       if ($queue) { if ( lc($Ticket->QueueObj->Name) ne lc($queue) ) { next; } }
       # Generate a report
       $report = "";
       $report .= "Ticket #: " . $Ticket->id . "\n";
       $report .= "Subject:  " . $Ticket->Subject . "\n";
       $report .= "Queue:    " . $Ticket->QueueObj->Name . " (". $Ticket->QueueObj->AdminCcAddresses .") \n";
       $report .= "Owner:    " . $User->Name ."\n";
       $report .= "Due date: " . $date->ISO . "\n";
       $report .= "URL:      " . $rt_url . "Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $Ticket->id . "\n";
       # Set the subject based on the due date.
       if( ($now->Unix - $date->Unix < 0  ) or $date->Unix == -1 ) {
           $subject =  "Ticket #". $Ticket->id . " with owner " . $User->Name ." is due on " . $date->ISO;
       } else {
           $subject =  "Ticket #". $Ticket->id . " with owner " . $User->Name ." is overdue";
       # Do we send to Admin CC as well as to owner?
       my @emails = ();
       if ( $sendToAdminCC ) {
           @emails = ($User->EmailAddress, split(/,/, $Ticket->AdminCcAddresses), split(/,/ , $Ticket->QueueObj->AdminCcAddresses));
       } else {
           @emails = ($User->EmailAddress);
       # remove duplicates
       my %temp = (); @emails = grep ++$temp{$_} < 2, @emails;
   # Close RT Handle
   exit 0;
   # This procedure will send a report by mail to the owner
   #  parameter 1 - email addresses to send to
   # Global variables refered to:
   #  $subject - Subject line
   #  @report - Message content
   #  $from_address - address to send from
   sub send_report {
       my @tos = @_;
       my $addr;
       foreach $addr (@tos) {
           next if (length($addr) == 0);
           my $msg = "";
           $msg .= "From: $from_address\n";
           $msg .= "To: $addr\n";
           $msg .= "Subject: $subject\n";
           $msg .= "\n";
           $msg .= $report;
           if ($debug) {
               print "====== Would call '$sendmail' with this input:\n";
               print "$msg\n\n";
      } else {
               open(SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail") || die "Error sending mail: $!";
               print SENDMAIL $msg;

Old version

Version by Tomas Borland Valenta added at 14.3.2007
   ####################### RT Email Notification Script ####################
   #### Author: Daniely Yoav / Qball Technologies Ltd.
   #### Email: yoavd@qballtech.net
   #### Date: 05/06/05
   #### Modified by: Tomas Borland Valenta
   #### Email: tomas at trustica dot cz
   #### Date: 2007/03/12
   #### Purpose: Send Email Notification on all open/new tickets in RT that have their due date expired
   #### Version: 2
   #### Changes from 1.2
   #### - rewriten mail subsystem
   #### - code cleanup
   #### - adopted for RT 3.6.x
   #### - used some global RT config variables
   ####  Usage: Invoke via cron every working day at 8 morning
   ####  0 8 * * 1-5 /path/to/script/remind_email_due.pl
   ### External libraries ###
   use strict;
   use lib ("/usr/share/request-tracker3.6/lib");
   package RT;
   use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent loc);
   use RT::Date;
   use RT::Queue;
   use RT::Queues;
   use RT::Tickets;
   ################## Init ##################
   # Clean our environment
   # Load the RT configuration
   # Set config variables
   my $debug=0;
   my $from_address = $RT::CorrespondAddress; #From: address used in reports
   my $rt_url = $RT::WebURL;
   my $sendmail = "$RT::SendmailPath $RT::SendmailArguments";
   ################## Variables Init ##################
   my $User = new RT::User($RT::SystemUser); # Define an RT User variable
   my $date = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser); # Define a date variable (used for comparisions)
   my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($RT::SystemUser); # Used to store Ticket search results
   my $now = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser); # get current time
   my $report; # Used for output
   my $subject; # Used as subject line
   ################## Main Program ##################
   # Limit the ticket search to new and open only.
   $tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'new');
   $tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'open');
   # Loop through new/open tickets
   while (my $Ticket = $tickets->Next) {
     # Construct POP-Up Message
     # Compare Dates to check whether the ticket's due date is in the past + Due date exists
     $date->Set(Format => "ISO",Value => $Ticket->Due);
     if ($now->Unix - $date->Unix < 0 or $date->Unix == -1) { next; }
     # Generate a report
     $report = "";
     $report .= "Ticket #: " . $Ticket->id . "\n";
     $report .= "Subject:  " . $Ticket->Subject . "\n";
     $report .= "Queue:    " . $Ticket->QueueObj->Name . " (". $Ticket->QueueObj->AdminCcAddresses .") \n";
     $report .= "Owner:    " . $User->Name ."\n";
     $report .= "Due date: " . $date->ISO . "\n";
     $report .= "URL:      " . $rt_url . "Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $Ticket->id . "\n";
     $subject =  "Ticket #". $Ticket->id . " with owner " . $User->Name ." is overdue";
     # Get Queue Admin CC
     my @emails = ($User->EmailAddress, split(/,/, $Ticket->AdminCcAddresses), split(/,/ , $Ticket->QueueObj->AdminCcAddresses));
     my %temp = (); @emails = grep ++$temp{$_} < 2, @emails; # remove duplicates
   # Close RT Handle
   exit 0;
   # This procedure will send a report by mail to the owner
   #  parameter 1 - email addresses to send to
   # Global variables refered to:
   #  $subject - Subject line
   #  @report - Message content
   #  $from_address - address to send from
   sub send_report {
     my @tos = @_;
     my $addr;
     foreach $addr (@tos) {
       next if (length($addr) == 0);
       my $msg = "";
       $msg .= "From: $from_address\n";
       $msg .= "To: $addr\n";
       $msg .= "Subject: $subject\n";
       $msg .= "\n";
       $msg .= $report;
       if ($debug) {
         print "====== Would call '$sendmail' with this input:\n";
         print "$msg\n\n";
       } else {
         open(SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail") || die "Error sending mail: $!";
         print SENDMAIL $msg;

Old version

Daniely Yoav, !QBall Technologies Ltd. yoavd![at]qballtech![dot]net

You can cut/paste or download the script from Notifications script. Put the script in your daily crontab (/etc/cron.daily on Fedora Core)

   ####################### RT Email Notification Script ####################
   #### Author: Daniely Yoav / Qball Technologies Ltd.
   #### Email: yoavd@qballtech.net
   #### Purpose: Send Email Notification on all open/new tickets in RT that have their due date expired
   #### Version: 1.1
   ####  Usage: Invoke via cron
   ####               */5 * * * * /path/to/script/remind_email_due.pl
   #### Date: 05/06/05
   my $from_address = 'reports@demo.qballtech.net'; #From: address used in reports
   my $mail_host = 'localhost'; #Mail Server used for sending mail
   my $my_host = 'demo.qballtech.net'; # My FQDN
   my $rt_url = 'https://demo.qballtech.net/rt';
   # Days to send notifcations on
   # Enable Debug
   my $debug=0;
   # initalize
   use lib ("/usr/local/rt3/lib", "/usr/local/rt3/local/lib");
   ################## DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ##################
   ################## External dependancies ##################
   use strict;
   use Carp;
   package RT;
   use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent loc);
   use RT::Date;
   use RT::Queue;
   use RT::Queues;
    use RT::Tickets;
   use Mail::Internet;
   use Mail::Address;
   use Net::SMTP;
   use Encode;
   use MIME::Base64;
   use MIME::QuotedPrint;
   use MIME::Words qw(:all);
   ################## RT Init ##################
   # Clean our environment
   # Load the RT configuration
   ################## Variables Init ##################
    my $User = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser); # Define an RT User variable
    my $date = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser); # Define a date variable (used for comparisions)
    my $pipe; # Used as PIPE to transfer data to smbclient
    my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($RT::SystemUser); # Used to store Ticket search results
    my $now = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser); # get current time
    my @report; # Used for output
    my $subject; # Used as subject line
   ################## Main Program ##################
   # Limit the ticket search to new and open only.
   $tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'new');
   $tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'open');
   # Loop through new/open tickets
   while (my $Ticket = $tickets->Next) {
        # Construct POP-Up Message
        # Compare Dates to check whether the ticket's due date is in the past + Due date exists
        $date->Set(Format => "ISO",Value => $Ticket->Due);
        if ($now->Unix - $date->Unix  > 0 and $date->Unix != -1) {
        # Generate a report
        @report = ();
        push (@report,"Ticket #" . $Ticket->id . " is over his due date. \n");
        push (@report,"Owner: " . $User->Name ."\n");
          push (@report,"Due date:" . $date->ISO . "\n");
        push (@report,"Subject: " . $Ticket->Subject . "\n");
        push (@report,"URL: " . $rt_url . "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $Ticket->id . "\n");
        push (@report,"\n\nTickets notifications script by Qball Solutions");
        push (@report,"\nplease report problems to solutions\@helpdesk.qballtech.net)");
        push(@report,"\nContact us! (info\@qballtech.net)\n");
        $subject =  "Ticket #". $Ticket->id . " with Owner: " . $User->Name ." is over his due date\n";
        #print $line .  "\n";
        #print $User->EmailAddress . "\n";
        # Send report by email
        # Get Queue Admin CC
        send_report($User->EmailAddress . "," . $Ticket->AdminCcAddresses . "," .$Ticket->QueueObj->AdminCcAddresses);
        print @report if $debug;
   # Close RT Handle
   exit 0;
   sub send_report {
   # Send report procedure###
   # This procedure will send a report by mail to the owner
   # Parameter 1) Email addresses to send to
   # Global variables refered to:
   # $subject - Subject line
   # @report - Message content
   # $mail_host - mail relay host address
   # $from_address - address to send from
   my $smtp;
   my $addr;
   my $full;
   my $to_address = "$_[0]";
   my @addrs = Mail::Address->parse("$to_address");
   my $mime_type = 'TEXT';
   my $message = @report;
   foreach $addr (@addrs)
     $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($mail_host,Debug=> 0);
     die "Couldn't connect to server" unless $smtp;
     $smtp->mail( $from_address );
     $smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject");
     $smtp->datasend("To: " . $full . "\n");
     $smtp->datasend("From: " . $from_address . "\n");