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The River Guden, the Gudenaa (in Danish: Gudenåen). Denmarks longest river. Try this tour of 176 kilometers with more than 176 placemarks taking you on a flight over the landscape in Jutland, Denmark from the River Guden spring in Tinnet Krat to Randers Fjord. And as a bonus a flyover of Randers Fjord from Randers Harbour to the exit to the Kattegat.

In Danish: "Gudenåen. Danmarks længste å. Prøv denne tur på 176 kilometer med mere end 176 stedmarkeringer der tager dig på en flyvning over landskabet i Jylland, Danmark fra Gudenåens kilde i Tinnet Krat til Randers Fjord. Og som en bonus en overflyvning af Randers Fjord fra Randers Havn til udløbet i Kattegat.

Sagnet om Gudenåen. Sagnet siger, at Gudenåen har fået sit navn efter en ustyrlig fyr, der hed Gudar. Han kidnappede pigen Else fra hendes fars hus i Tinnet Krat, hvor åen har sit udspring. Gudar bandt pigen til en kærre og for at forvirre forfølgerne, kørte han i indviklede sving og slyngninger. Men pigens far søgte hjælp hos en klog mand i Tørring, som kaldte bække og kilder sammen og bad dem om at vise vej. Vandet nåede Gudar ved Randers Fjord. Gudar og hesten druknede, mens den skønne Else slap fri.

Legend of the River Guden. Legend has it that the the River Guden has had its name after an wild guy, called Gudar. He kidnapped the girl named Else from her father's house in Tinnet Bushes, where the river has its source. Gudar tied the girl to a cart and to confuse the persecutors, he drove in intricate turns. But the girl's father sought the help of a wise man in Tørring, which called brooks and springs together and asked them to show the way. The water reached Gudar by Randers Fjord. Gudar and the horse drowned while the beautiful Else was rescued.

About the GE tour: Please note that comments in this tour are mainly presented in the Danish language. Enjoy. Tour creator: Tom Kjeldsen, created december 2007. Recommended to be viewed as a 'Play tour' in Google Earth with terrain feature enabled.

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Edited by TomKjeldsen (02/18/09 08:22 AM)
Are you uptight, get downloose! Why not try a GE tour? Amazon river - A 6400 km flyover from spring to mouth... Colorado river - Spring, 100's of canyons, dams & lakes. Gudenaa river - River Guden, Danish river. K2+- - Mountains. Kiel canal - German canal. Mariana trench - Deepest part and place of the world's oceans. Mount Everest - Climb to the top. Suez canal - Egyptian waterway. Alternative download at Tom, Bit 1, I presume?