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Gamertell Review: Wico’s Command Control Joystick

Sections: Consoles, Consoles-Other, Controllers, Gear, Gear-Other, Reviews

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gamertell wico command control joystick 1982If your original Atari joysticks are starting to lose sensitivity – one of mine will not longer go left and the other will no longer move right – then you will certainly want to invest in Wico’s Command Control Joystick.

This super-sensitive, two-trigger joystick is nearly one-and-a-half times as tall as the little black ones. Produced by Wico, the Joystick costs $29.99, which is a little expensive for a new controller, but well worth the price.

The oversized red plastic handle is not nearly as grippy as the original Atari sticks but it’s elongated teardrop stick fits more comfortably in your hand. No more mid-palm blisters for top-grippers. Also, the base is big enough to set on a table when playing – good for table-top gamers – yet light enough to hold. The sensitivity is great, although you will need to get used to a bit of extra pushing to compensate for the longer stick.

The best feature is the second button. One is the usual red button in the upper left corner of the base and the other is small white pencil eraser style button at the tip of the joystick. While your mom might cringe and giggle when she dusts it, the top button gives the controller a more authentic arcade feel especially for space games. To toggle between the base and the joystick buttons, you flip a switch on the base of the joystick. Both buttons have great, unique action. the top button moves the easiest with hardly any sound while the base button looks, feels and acts like its arcade style brothers.

gamertell wico command control joystick 1982 manual coverThe top button also means that south paws won’t have to turn the joystick 90 degrees, making it far more comfortable for them to play, too.

Wico, known in the industry for making actual arcade sticks, has done gamers a favor by releasing the Command Control joystick. The look, the feel and the response is so close to an actual arcade, you’ll no longer want to plunk down quarters to play.

While there may be bigger and more expensive joystick out there, this is by far my favorite. Go out and get the Wico Command Control Joystick. You will love using it on all compatible game systems (Atari VCS/2600, Atari 400/800, Sears Arcade Game and the Commodore VIC-20 Home Computer).

In fact, you may never need another joystick.

gamertell wico command control joystick 1982 manual diagram

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  • GeorgeC

    I had one of those for my Atari 800 computer system!

    It was actually bought by my parents as a mistake… :(

    I never really cared for the "bat handle" sticks to be honest. I liked Wico's "red ball" aka "lollipop" a lot better although I never gripped it by the sphere. I always handled it by the naked metal shaft and the finish on the metal got marred pretty soon! I guess my sweat is fairly corrosive?!? LOL

    Anyhow, I know Wico also manufactured at least one other stick circa 1982 that had switchtable grips — you could use a bad handle or swap that out for the lollipop grip if you liked that better.

    I got rid of the Atari 800 and the controllers around 1991. They were donated to a mental health facility…