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More politics news

Biden campaign preps for a Trump trial verdict: From the Politics Desk

Plus, what voters are saying about the state of democracy heading into the next election.
Image: President Joe Biden
Image: President Joe Biden

Netanyahu to address Congress, House Speaker Mike Johnson says

Johnson had previously said he would invite Netanyahu to the House regardless of whether Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer agreed to a joint invitation.
Netanyahu bibi addresses congress
Netanyahu bibi addresses congress
4h ago

Chuck Todd: Inside a billionaire pro sports owner's lesson in local politics

In the latest episode of the Chuck ToddCast, Washington sports owner Ted Leonsis talks through staying in D.C. after attempting to move his teams to Virginia.
Ted Leonsis wearing sunglasses.
Ted Leonsis wearing sunglasses.

Judge in Hunter Biden's gun charges case sets rules for evidence

The trial of President Joe Biden's son is set to begin June 3.
Hunter Biden.
Hunter Biden.


6h ago


Florida is using a fraud-hunting tool used by the right to look for voters to remove from the rolls

A top state official asked local election supervisors to use information compiled by EagleAI to review the voter registration status of roughly 10,000 people across the state.
Voters fill out their ballots as they vote
Voters fill out their ballots as they vote

'Sedition Panda' convicted of assaulting officer on Jan. 6 after judge calls his defense 'absurd'

Jesse James Rumson, dubbed "Sedition Panda" because of the costume head he wore on Jan. 6, will be sentenced in September.
Jesse James Rumson wears a panda headpiece in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
Jesse James Rumson wears a panda headpiece in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.


13h ago


New ad in key Ohio Senate race touts a vulnerable Democrat's work with Trump

A Democratic group is highlighting anti-opioid legislation championed by Sen. Sherrod Brown and noting how it was signed into law by Trump.
Sherrod Brown.
Sherrod Brown.

‘Deliberately low-key’: How Biden’s team plans to approach his son’s criminal trial

The president and his aides will be closely monitoring Hunter Biden’s trial, which is expected to showcase deeply personal family dynamics.
Hunter Biden In House Oversight
Hunter Biden In House Oversight

Trump rallies in the South Bronx as he seeks to win over Black and Hispanic voters

The former president was met by some protesters, but even in this deep blue area, a number of voters said they were ready for a change.
Donald Trump speak
Donald Trump speak

Gov. Gavin Newsom signs bill allowing Arizona doctors to perform abortions in California

The California Democrat signed legislation drafted in response to the Arizona Supreme Court ruling that a near-total ban on abortion from 1864 is enforceable in the state.
Image: Gavin Newsom
Image: Gavin Newsom

Ohio governor calls special session to fix 'unacceptable' holdup getting Biden on the ballot

The special session will start on Tuesday, with the goal of fixing a timing issue between state election law and this year’s Democratic convention.
Mike DeWine
Mike DeWine