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AJAX - Types of Requests

AJAX is a web technology that is used to create dynamic web pages. It allows web pages to update their content without reloading the whole page. Generally, AJAX supports four types of requests and they are −

  • GET request

  • POST request

  • PUT request

  • DELETE request

GET Request

The GET request is used to retrieve data from a server. In this request, the data is sent as a part of the URL that is appended at the end of the request. We can use this request with the open() method.


open(GET, url, true)

Where, the open() method takes three parameters −

  • GET − It is used to retrieve data from the server.

  • url − url represents the file that will be opened on the web server.

  • true − For asynchronous connection set the value to true. Or for synchronous connection set the value to false. The default value of this parameter is true.


<!DOCTYPE html>
   function displayRecords() {
      // Creating XMLHttpRequest object
      var zhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
      // Creating call back function
      zhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
         if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
            document.getElementById("example").innerHTML = this.responseText;
      // Open the given file
      zhttp.open("GET", "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/6", true);
      // Sending the request to the server
<div id="example">
   <p>Please click on the button to fetch 6th record from the server</p>
   <button type="button" onclick="displayRecords()">Click Here</button>



In the above example, we are fetching the 6th record from the server using the GET request "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/6" API in XMLHttpRequest. So after clicking on the button, we will get the 6th record from the server.

POST Request

The POST request is used to send data from a web page to a web server. In this request, the data is sent in the request body that is separated from the URL. We can use this request with the open() method.


open('POST', url, true)

Where, the open() method takes three parameters −

  • POST − It is used to send data to the web server.

  • url − url represents the server(file) location.

  • true − For asynchronous connection set the value to true. Or for synchronous connection set the value to false. The default value of this parameter is true.


<!DOCTYPE html>
   function sendDoc() {
      // Creating XMLHttpRequest object
      var qhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
      // Creating call back function
      qhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
         if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 201) {
            document.getElementById("sample").innerHTML = this.responseText;
            console.log("Data Send Successfully")
      // Open the given file
      qhttp.open("POST", "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos", true);
      // Setting HTTP request header 
      qhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json')
      // Sending the JSON document to the server 
         "title": "MONGO",
         "userId": 11,
         "id": 21,
         "body": "est rerum tempore"
<h2>Example of POST Request</h2>
<button type="button" onclick="sendDoc()">Post Data</button>
<div id="sample"></div>


Post Request

Here in the above example, we are updating the record with the below-given data using the PUT request.

"https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/21" API:
   "title": "MONGO",
   "userId": 11,
   "id": 21,
   "body": "est rerum tempore"

DELETE Request

The DELETE request is used to delete data from the web server. In this request, the data to be deleted is sent in the request body and the web server will delete that data from its storage.


open('DELETE', url, true)

Where, the open() method takes three parameters −

  • DELETE − It is used to delete data from the web server.

  • url − It represents the file url which will be opened on the web server. Or we can say server(file) location.

  • true − For asynchronous connection set the value to true. Or for synchronous connection set the value to false. The default value of this parameter is true.


<!DOCTYPE html>
   function delDoc() {
      // Creating XMLHttpRequest object
      var qhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
      // Creating call back function
      qhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
         if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
            document.getElementById("sample").innerHTML = this.responseText;
            console.log("Record Deleted Successfully")
      // Deleting given file
      qhttp.open("DELETE", "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/2", true);
      // Sending the request to the server 
<div id="sample">
   <h2>Example of DELETE Request</h2>
   <button type="button" onclick="delDoc()">Deleteing Data</button>


Request type 1

Here in the above example, we delete the record present on Id = 2 using the DELETE request "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/2" API.

AJAX also support some other request like OPTIONS, HEAD, and TRACE but they are the least commonly used requests by the AJAX applications. Now in the next article, we will see how AJAX handle responses.
