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Fetch API - Status Codes

Fetch API provide a special property which is used to find the status of the request and the name of this property is the status property. It is a read-only property of the Response interface which return the HTTP status code of the response sent by the server of the given request. For example, 404 - resource were not found, 200 - success, 400 - bad request, etc. It is supported by all modern web browsers.



The value returned by the status property is an unsigned short number which represents the status of the current request.

Status Codes

The status codes that HTTP status returned are as follows −


The successful status codes are those status codes which will return by the server when the request is fulfilled successfully. Some of the commonly used successful status codes with their meanings are as follows −

Status Message Description
200 OK If the request is OK.
201 Created When the request is complete and a new resource is created.
202 Accepted When the request is accepted by the server.
204 No Content When there is no data in the response body.
205 Reset Content For additional inputs, the browser clears the form used for the transaction.
206 Partial Content When the server returns the partial data of the specified size.


The redirection status codes are those status codes which represent the status of a redirect response. Some of the commonly used redirection status codes with their descriptions are as follows −

Status Message Description
300 Multiple Choices It is used to represent a link list. So that user can select any one link and go to that location. It allows only five locations.
301 Moved Permanently When the requested page is moved to the new URL.
302 Found When the requested page is found in a different URL.
304 Not modified URL is not modified.

Client Error

The Client error status codes represent an error that occurs on the client side during the request. Or we can say that they inform the client that due to an error, the request was unsuccessful. Some of the commonly used client error status codes with their descriptions are as follows −

Status Message Description
400 Bad Request The server cannot fulfil the request because the request was malformed or has an invalid syntax.
401 Unauthorised The request needs authentication and the user does not provide valid credentials.
403 Forbidden The server understood the request but does not fulfil it.
404 Not Found The requested page is not found.
405 Method Not Allowed The method through which the request is made is not supported by the page.
406 Not Acceptable The response generated by the server cannot be accepted by the client.
408 Request Timeout Server timeout
409 Conflict The request does not fulfil due to a conflict in the request.
410 Gone The requested page is not available.
417 Exception Failed The server does not match the requirement of the Expect request header field.

Server Error

The server error status codes represent an error that occurs on the server side during the request. Or we can say that they inform the client that due to an error with the server, the request was unsuccessful. Some of the commonly used server error status codes with their descriptions are as follows −

Status Message Description
500 Internal Server Error When the server encounter error while processing the request.
501 Not Implemented When the server does not recognise the request method or lacks the ability to fulfil the request.
502 Bad Gateway When the server acts like a gateway and recovers an invalid response from another server(upstream).
503 Service Unavailable When the server is not available or down.
504 Gateway Timeout When the server acts like a gateway and does not receive a response from the other server(upstream) on time.
505 HTTP Version Not Supported When the server does not support the version of the HTTP protocol.
511 Network Authentication Required When the client needs to authenticate to gain access to the network.

Example 1: Finding status code using fetch() function

In the following program, we find the status code of the current request. So for that, we fetch the data from the given URL. If the response returned by the server is OK, then display the status code. If not, then display the request failed status. If we get an error, then this code uses the catch() function to handle the error.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      if (response.ok){

      const mystatus = response.status;

      // Display output in HTML page
      document.getElementById("sendData").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(mystatus);
         console.log("Request Fail:", mystatus);
   // Handling error
   .catch(err =>{
      console.log("Error is:", err)
<h2>Status code of request</h2>
   <p>Status of the current request is </p>
   <!-- Displaying data-->
   <p id = "sendData"></p>


Status Code

Example 2: Finding status code using fetch() function with async/await

In the following program, we find the status code of the current request. So for that, we create an async function. In this function, we fetch the data from the given URL using the fetch() function. If the response returned by the server is OK, then display the status code in the console log. If not, then display the request failed status. If we get an error, then this code uses the catch() function to handle that error.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Fetch API Example</title>
<h1>Example of Fetch API</h1>
   async function getStatus() {
      try {
         const myResponse = await fetch("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos");
         // Finding the status of the request
         console.log("Status of the request:", myResponse.status);
      } catch (err) {
         console.log("Error is:", err);


Status Code


So this is how we can find the status code of the current request returned by the server. Using these status codes we can perform various operations such as checking if the request is successful or not, handling the specified error, or performing the appropriate action on the response returned by the server. Now in the next article, we will see how Fetch API handles errors.
